Saturday, January 29, 2011

i'm sick of everything .
i swear !!!!!!

hungry !

ouh evendo i've just had my dinner just now ,but im still hungry right now .craving for the Mc flurry right now .slurrrp .

MASP 2010/2011

phew .finally it ends yaw .after nearly 3 months we make all the preparations and now its already end . alhamdulillah .:)
penat mmg tak ley nak cakab la kan .dengan tido pn cukub tak cukub jek sebab nak kena buat reheasal and the preparations bagai .tapi,rasa mmg tersngat puas hati after nngok hasilnya & dapat nngok all the final year students tersenyum dengan gembiranya .sebab event ni pn mmg khas utk dorang kan .tak lame lagi sume nk grad da .sobsob .
selain saya menjadi ajk pelaksana ,sekali lagi saya telah dilantik menjadi usher vip .ye saya .USHER.lagi .mmg sudah dicop sebagai usher college da pn .tapi,ada aku kisah?kau ada?tak kan?bhahahah.
dari pkol 9pg lagi sume da gerak p putrajaya nu.g wat full reheasal and segala macam benda la kan .penat woh .sumpah ! and malam tu,while waitng for the TNC to come,jantung macam nak lari kuar dari badan berdebaq gile kot .hadoyaii.tangan da frezze .make up sume da tebal da ,tutup segala mak nenek jerwat kat muka ni .hahaha.tapi tade ape pn sebenaqnya .berdebaq punye la lama ,tapi kejap jek event tu rase ,:)
with the theme arabic night tu .senang jek dorang nk dressed up .vogue the vast lagi you .sume nampak santek2 and smart.;)
it was a lovable event la.betol .ngee~
dan buhbye MASP.i won't be the ajk for nxt year .i will be the person who just sit at the chair and enjoy the event .because,saya adalah pelajar tahun akhir pada tahun hadapan .yippiee yup.:)

lets pica do the talking thing .:)

oke bunga tu mmg real punye .damn wangi .ouh .

naim,k.ziqah,k.D,k.ija,k.amal and me.:)

we are biocemist .:)

the usher .

before the event.

santek kan wall of fame tu .:)

till then:norafilah hussin

says no to selfishness .

oke as the tittles says kan .say no to selfishness .bukan katakan tidak kepada jual ikan disini tetapi lebih kepada katakan tidak kepada 'mementingkan diri sendiri' .

the story begins here .adalah kan one big girl ni ,which is friends of mine jugak .she being so selfish la .ouh .she really2 make me look down at her .and all the respectness that i used to give her b4 was dissapeared now .i am so dissapointed with you,friends.idk .but what that u did dis time really get into my heart until the very deepest side. evendo we are not on the same team but still,i can fell it .hm .

ape jek benefit yang kita dapat dari jadi sngat sellfish?mmg lah kepuasan hati dapat dicapai.tapi anda telah membuat kan hati orang lain saket tanpa disedari,which is not good oke .we live in one community . togetherness and be serious on the responsibilities that has been given to you are the most important things to live well. semua orang pn banyak kerja & semua org pn kena study sebab nak berjaya kan .its true that the 1st main reasons y we are here is to graduate with a good pointer ,but still we have to mix up with others jugak . sbagai mahasiswa yang berjaya kita kena pandai balance la btween studies and bersosial .kalau mmg rase tak ley nk bagi comitment,u bete told ppl at the very 1st time .don't wait until the very end . no one will be hurt .maybe u have your own reason y u made a decision like that,which is i don't noe.its oll up to u
but . . .just remeber 1 thing .life is karma .what u did,u get,beware .maybe ppl will do the smae thing to you when it comes to your time .:)

till then:norafilah hussin

Friday, January 28, 2011

you wonder why i'm insecure?

Because there are girls out there who look gorgeous without even trying. When they wake up they look like angels. when I wake up, I look like I just got out of a war. Those photogenic girls who look good in every photo. When someone takes a photo of me, my face looks half retarded. They don’t even need to dress nicely an they’ll still look good. How they can capture your attention just by walking past. I want to be able to do that.


Monday, January 24, 2011

happy birthday ibu .:)

okai2 .this are my third entry about wishing happy birthday to those who i love so much . :)
today is 24th january .and today is my mother's birthday too.she turn 41 yaw.:)


sory,no cake for you right now ibu.
since i am a thousand miles away from you .
i'll buy one after i got back to hommie oke.:))
and for the hadiah too,i noe what are the things that olwez on your mind this few days
you already got one from ayah and u will get one from me too.:)
just wait for my scholarship to in,and i'll buy it for you .insyaAllah.:)
thanxx cuz being such a good wife and mother to the family.

lots of love:fifi and the flowertoot.:)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

balek lagi

ouh .hati gumbira tidak keruan .setelah bertapa di UPM selama 3 mgu,akhirnya dapat pulang ke rumah kecintaan. yey!!! nk lupakan sume masalah ada yang bersarang kat kapla ni . :)


till then:fifi

. . . . .

hati cakab

saya bukan dulu .

im change . im not the old fifi . i can manage my felling also my heart very well right now .:)
for every single thing that you had done,which i used to hate it before, im trying to think wisely and try not to put all the blame on you . don't wory .u can do anything that you want bcause i noe u wanted it so much kn? as long as u pandai la nak sesuaikan keadaan dengan status u sekarang,then,i oke jek .:) go ahead and have fun with them.tak nak halang lagi sebab i tawu u tak suke kn . i even not your mom to tell what are the thing that u should and shouldn't do . im just nobody .:)) just it .

p/s: its not mean that u can freely do whatever that u want to do oke . u can do it under some circumstance .:) play it right .


lots of love:fifi

Monday, January 17, 2011


kadang-kadang bila da terlampau banyak kerja,
ada tak anda rasa macam nak buat dunk & buat cam takde kerja dengan melakukan perbuatan yang membuang masa .seperti saya sekarang .haissshhh!!!
sampai nak pkai baju ape g claz esok pn macam tak boleh nak terpk .ouh .=,="
im stuck!!


happy birthday aiqel .:)

adik & kakak :)

smile please .:) erk =,="

happy 9th birthday to my beloved younger brother ;
muhammad hasif haiqal b. md hussin .:)

may almighty ALLAH bless you my dear .

semoga panjang umur & dimurahkan rezeki .

i noe wat are the things that u wanted so much right now.i'll buy it for you later oke .and take it as ur birthday present for this year .:) tapi tak boleh skang la .sebab akak tak balek uma lagi ,later when i get back,i'll buy it .ahaha .

sedeh la sebab tyme2 macam begini tak de dekat rumah nak celebrate skali ngn aiqel .sure confem ayah dengan ibu ajak celebrate kat luar .ouhhh .saya selalu tak dapat mengikuti aktiviti sebegitu kerana berada diperantauan .jaoh la sgt kn .hahaha .

p/s:fyi bloggers,my lil brother ni mmg teramat la susah nak amek pica .die mmg paleng tak suke amek pica melainkan terpaksa atau dipaksa .dats y,i don't have much of his photos .*sigh .
just take a look at the above photo.muke macam kne pakse senyum kan .padehal tyme ni his big day tau .where he get 'anugerah cemerlang' kat sekolah .tapi macam takde prasaan.cooolliooo la tu konon .:)) kami juga sering memanggil aiqel dengan panggilan 'org tua' sebab sometimes he act like an old folks la .dont get shock when i told ya that his fav drink is 'teh tarik' instead of ice milo yang ramai kanak-kanak suka.:) but still,he's cute .=p
last bt not least ; happy birthday org tua .:)
love ya .

lots of love:fifi

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

dua,tiga,tangan tak cukub .

bloggers ,mmg byk gile entry nak letak tau .siyes!tapi macam keadaan tak brape nk mengizinkan la .quit busy with a lot of thing this lately .i even don't have time for myself .*sigh
wait for my nxt entry oke .

till then:fifi

Monday, January 10, 2011

stress .

sometimes ppl do feel stress .stress about work,studies,bf,besties and stress about everything .
tapi .semua org pn kne pndai manage stress .
chillex saja .
guess what?im under stress control right now .
don't know what are the reasons .
once i found the reasons,i'll tell ya yup .
tapi tak boleh nak layan sgt .
so .here my big smile .:))
no stress anymore .

go me!go me!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

no motif .=,="

motif mmg tiada utk entry ini .hanya sedikit luahan perasaan .kadang2 mmg saya ada perasaan begini which is not good for me .
bt this is me .i really2 can't stop thinking about this .
hm . i feel so bloody down la right now.idk .mayb bcuz im not beatifull like all the ladies out there . anything that i try to put up on my body seem like its not right for me .again .idk .supposely tak perlu nk kne ada perasaan yang macam ni sebab atas muka bumi ALLAH ini mmg nobody's perfect . i should feel so gratefull instead sebab still ada lagi ppl yg even worst than me .
wtv a thing pn .rasenye semua human kat this whole world mmg cntek,anggun, and deserve the best . eventhough im not as beautifull as they are bt at least i has my pride that i think the only thing that i has to take care of .once it broken ,i can' help myself .thannxxx to all ppl out there yang sudi terima saya seadenya saya .i don't care wat ppl wanted to say about me bcuz i don't have the right to shut their mouth out . go ahead .
wat that i noe, i do love my life and all the ppl surround me .yes i do .i love it so much .
just it .:))

p/s:i noe that im not beautifull bt please accept me in wat i am ok syg?i ikhlas dengan u and i terima u seadanya juga .ily .:))

lotsa love :fifi

menjaga hati

maaf yang mendalam jika kali ini saya tak dapat menjaga hati anda .
maaf yang mendalam juga jika anda terasa dengan setiap inci kata2 saya .
kerana sumpah saya da tak larat na jaga perasaan anda buat masa ini .
sometimes saya harus juga mementingkan perasaan saya for the sake of my responsibility .

dot .

till then:fifi

Friday, January 7, 2011

hectic day

ouh it really drive me crazy la .
its a very hectic week .evendo,this is my 1st week on my new sem bt it doesn't treat me well . i swear!!!
a lot a report to settle up .plus with the assignment .argh!!!
btw,wat else to do kn .i have to go through all this anyway .*sigh

well,noting hard pn .jz do it slowly n everything going to be fine .dot .:)
macam la kau tak biase kan .tapi still,tak ley nk accept sgt sbb ni baru 1st week .otak mcam still tgh holiday mood lagi .aishhh !
da la macam tgh ada perasaan homesick di hati ni .teeetttt .=_="

i miss you gemok .i really2 do .
hope to see ya as soon as possible .love

till then:fifi

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Monday, January 3, 2011

huish . cannot go larh .

bloggers .:)
mesti most of you guys da start ada dekat college maseng2 2 start up a new sem kn? same with me then .ouh .on 1/1/2011 lagi saya da berada di college kedua kesayangan .cepat kan?sebab ada masalah yg tak dapat nak dielakkan la saya terpaksa pulang awal .bt its not a big deal la .saya oke2 aja .:) dan semasa pulang ke blok ,mmg sunyi habes la .hanya saya dan roomate kesayangan jea yang ade and ade gak la some of the ppl yg lagi awal balek dari kami .sunyi sepi betul .-__-"
on the nxt day,which is yesterday ,all the students start to check in inside the blok .oke .seperti kebiasaanya ,blok kembali menjadi hingar bingar dengan suara kerinduan saya .:))
hmmm .pagi2 lagi da g office amek kunci dengan perasaan gembire sebab na masok bilek yg da lame ditinggalkan .dan ,mulalah sesi mengemas yang memang penat gile bapak la .macam hayam betul .barang yg saya letak kat dalam kamar tu mmg da tak nmpak macam barang .OMG!!!da jadi macam sarang kambeng .ouh ,hanya tutup idong jek la bile masok dalam tu .bau macam haram dowh .*sigh .
tk sangke pulak yang saya memiliki barang yang byk .sumpah tak perasan yang saya da berjaya mengumpul khazanah yang berharga sepanjang menginap di blok rajawali ni .gile la .dengan barang baru yang dibawa dari uma lagi .macam barang untuk 20 org kot .aishhh .
so,kepadanan muka terkena pada diri sebab nak kene kmas sume barang2 tu & susun kat dalam bilek .baju jea da dekat 3 beg .tu lom lagi buku2 yang dikumpul dari sem1 .nak mati larh .+(

sesi pengemasan baju bermula pada pukul 9 am & berakhir pada pukul 2pm .wat!!!!lame kan?pingang mase tu rase cam nk tercabut dari badan jea .tapi masih tersenyum gembira .:)

after cleaning session .:)
ahah .nice to see isn't it?

yang ngah meniarap kechomelan itu adalah emfi saya . the son of me & mr zz .:)

before cleaning session .:(
bersepah gile betol .

till then,
lots of love :fifi

Saturday, January 1, 2011

happy birthday ayah .:)

picta up there?:) its my lovely ayah & ibu la .
what are they doing? :) ibu feed bday cake dekat ayah .
y? :) because today is his birthday .he turned 46 years old .
i will olways pray 4 ur happiness dad .
semua pesan ayah yg ayah gitau kat akak semalam mmg tak kn penah akak lupakan . insyaAllah .
maybe tak de hadiah yg mahal utk ayah kali ni,tapi akan datang after akak grad & kje best2 ,insyaAllah hadiah yg besa2 utk ayah .
im proud to be your daughter dad .

thanxx to shahid cuz treat us western food yesterday .& thanxx to ibu 4 the secret recipe ice cream choclate cake .i love it!i swear!!
lets picture do the talking .:)

welcome 2011

oke bloggers . its 1.1.2011 . got 2 events yg mmg special & serasenye perlu dijadikan entry .ahah .:)
so,this is an opening entry for my blog yeah on this 2011 wee~
1st is about happy new year and the 2nd one is about my father's bday .:))

HAPPY NEW YEAR ppl .2010 was end and 2011 appears .yippie .:)
bersyukur yg amat because ALLAH masih panjang kan umur saya untuk menghadapi tahun 2011 yg tk sure lagi akan jadi macam mane .
goodbye my dear 2010 .thanxx 4 every wonderfull memories that you had gave to me and no thanks 4 the sad memories that at least make me realise about what that i've done 4 oll this while .
so,2011 .here you are ,be nice oke syg .i will rely on you .:)

wishlist?alot to write la .hanya berharap untuk menjadi insan yang lebih berguna untuk diri sendiri,keluarga & ummah .:)
*perubahan dalam diri yang dicari masih tidak dapat dicapai sepenuhnya .
insyaALLAH . dengan keazaman yg penuh didada saya pasti bisa .*again .ayat cnnot go .bt really mean it ok .:)
harap gak semoga tahun 2011 akan menjadi tahun yg bawak tuah utk anda semua .amin !

p/s: 4 him .semoga kite jadi makin matured dalam handle relation kite pasni oke dear .sume simple2 things yg happen pasni kite layan dgn relax & cool jek ,:)
sarang hae yo ,mr.ZZ .

oke .juz it .

lots of love:fifi

lama sudah

hey kawan .:)
saya lame la da tak blogging?nape erh .ahaha .
sebab pale otak saya macam agak serabot la l8ly ni .
sebab lagi?
saya suke pk bnde2 yg jaoh sgt .over thinking .*sigh
oleh sebab itu la saya jadi tak berape nak betol .nk on9 pn rase cm malas .tapi hati mmg meronte2 nk on9 .*ayat kau cnot go la fila .
and now,setelah masalah saya yg bukan masalah pn ekc da settle,saya kembali mnjadi wanita yg normal .:)
so,saya da kembali ber facebooking n berblogging .tgn da start gatal2 nak shuffle atas lappy ni .adoy .:))
